Before I got married (well, technically before I got sealed) I was preparing to go through the temple to receive my endowment. My temple endowment appointment was two weeks before my sealing date, and to say I was nervous was an understatement.
Looking back, the things I was so worried about weren’t a big deal—but they sure felt like it at the time.
If you’re also going through the temple to prepare for an upcoming sealing, let me first say, congratulations! This is an exciting step in your life, while simultaneously being a little nerve-wracking.
Along with preparing to go through the temple, another thing you should prepare for before your wedding is sexual intimacy. If you’re not sure where to begin, read my sexual intimacy tips & resources for newlyweds guide to get started.
Alright, let’s talk temple prep! Let me put your mind at ease by divulging a few very real, but totally unnecessary, fears I had before receiving my temple endowment.
Here are the 5 fears we’re covering in this post:
- Not Knowing What to Expect
- Not Knowing What to Do
- The Severity of Temple Covenants
- Being the Center of Attention
- Not Being Able to Talk About Anything
So let’s get started! Here are 5 things that I worried about before going to the temple to receive my endowment, and why I shouldn’t have been so stressed about them.

Not Knowing What to Expect
As humans, it’s natural to fear the things we don’t know or understand.
For me, this fear of the unknown translated into additional stress leading up to my temple endowment appointment.
You hear so many phrases and comments about other people’s temple experience in temple prep and church meetings that it can be easy to feel worried and confused.
I often heard the phrase ‘washing and anointing’ which made me think of two distinct things. The word washing makes me think of showering, and that worried me as I did not like the idea of being naked or less-than-clothed on any level.
The second thought the phrase ‘washing and anointing’ brought to my mind was the vivid picture of Jesus washing his disciple’s feet. Now I completely understand the symbolism and the care that this act represents, but I really didn’t want someone touching me, especially my feet.
Another aspect I knew was a part of temple work was ancient biblical traditions. I knew they would be represented in the ceremony, but I didn’t know which traditions would be included or in what way.
One of the videos I watched while preparing to go to the temple mentioned that the endowment ceremony progression is set up like an ancient temple with an altar. With this in mind, the bible practice that seemed to fit was the law of sacrifice and burnt offerings.
This video is extremely helpful and informative! I highly recommend watching it a few times while preparing for your temple endowment.
I made all sorts of assumptions that had me worried before going to the temple. None of those things happened, and all of my worrying was for nothing.
When you’re preparing to go to the temple to receive your endowment, try not to let your imagination run wild. The word ‘endowment’ means ‘gift’, there’s no need to spend so much time and energy worrying about receiving a gift from your loving Father in Heaven.
You can’t know what to expect before going to the temple for the first time, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. You need to rely on your faith and trust that this is what you’re supposed to do. Everything included in the temple ordinances was inspired by God, so try not to worry about the unknowns and instead focus on how you feel.
Not Knowing What to Do
I’ve always been wary of trying new things, especially by myself. No one wants to make a fool out of themselves, and anything new immediately seems weird because it’s unknown to you.
Now I wouldn’t describe anything in the temple as weird, it’s just different. It only feels weird in the beginning because it’s something you’re not used to. Everything said, worn, and done in the temple is sacred.Ordinances of the temple are sacred for a reason, and because of that sacredness, they aren’t done in any old place.

This is your first time in the temple, you are not going to know what to do. Don’t let that fact stress you out, because you have an escort there to guide you every step of the way. I went with my mom and she was there to help me with anything I needed and made me feel calm and reassured.
There are also temple workers at every corner leading you where you need to go, and everything in the ceremony is explained in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.
As you return to the temple again and again you will better understand what you’re doing, and know exactly what to say, what to do, and when to do it. Don’t expect, or even try to do everything perfectly in the beginning, you have years to practice.
The Severity of Temple Covenants
Temple covenants come with amazing promises, and, with those promises, comes a commitment to live up to God’s standards. You will feel the severity of the covenants you are making while in the temple.
There is a moment at the beginning of the ceremony where an option is provided to leave if you do not wish to take upon yourself the temple covenants. That’s because these covenants are big ones.
I know it’s a scary question, but don’t let it shake you. Satan will try to stir self-doubt in your mind that you’re not ready, you’re not worthy—but that’s simply not true! As with Joseph Smith in The Sacred Grove, Satan will put in the most effort to try and turn you away from God in moments when he knows you’re taking steps closer to him.
You were interviewed by both your Bishop and Stake President who found you worthy and recommended you for these temple ordinances. If you have that recommend and are living in the way that you should, you are worthy to be in the temple!

As with anything in God’s church, anyone given higher knowledge is held to a higher standard. You make 5 distinct covenants in the temple. These covenants, however, are not secret. You can read about them now and be prepared to fully commit to them before you take out your endowment.
Being the Center of Attention
Before my temple endowment appointment, I was worried I would be the center of attention.
I worried that everyone would be staring at me, noticing all of the little mistakes I made, and making me feel uncomfortable.
While temple ordinances are done at an individual level, there is no moment when you are alone or the center of attention in the group.
There will likely be multiple people in the session who, just like you, are going through the temple for the first time. Each of you will be surrounded by loved ones who are there to support you along with other temple patrons.
Endowment sessions are often packed with church members, and they’re all there for one reason: to do temple work for someone.
When you go through the temple for the first time, the person you are doing the temple work for is you. This will be the only time you will receive these ordinances for yourself.
Everyone else, however, is doing work for someone who has died. They are focused on that person, not on you or anyone else, for that matter.

Since my temple endowment appointment was a couple of weeks prior to my sealing, I was there with my fiance and his parents in addition to my own family. I was a little bit worried that he would be watching me during the session.
Once again, I had nothing to worry about. Everyone is facing the same direction, looking forward, each focused on the ordinances they’re performing. Even if that wasn’t the case, your loved ones aren’t going to judge you. They are there to love you and support both you and the choices you’re making.
It’s human nature to think that everyone is judging you, but that’s one of the great things about the temple: we’re all learning to rise above our human nature and become more like our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Not Being Able to Talk About Anything
I’m almost certain that every person who has attended the temple has been worried about what they can or can’t talk about at some point in their life.
In the temple, you make covenants that you agree to hold sacred and close to your heart. During parts of the temple endowment ceremony, it’s made very clear that those specific sections should never be revealed.
Other parts, however, don’t seem so straightforward.
After the endowment session is complete, you will be led to the celestial room. Here, and only here, you are free to reverently discuss almost anything in the temple ceremony.
Make sure to do so during your first session, and subsequent sessions. It’s okay to have questions, that’s how we learn.

In the church, I have learned more from other church members’ comments, stories, and insights than I often learn from the scriptures. Some people phrase things in a way that’s easier for you to understand, or have personal experiences that you relate to or touch you in some way.
Don’t be afraid to share you feelings and experiences with others so long as it’s in the right place and at the right time.
Receiving your temple endowment is a big step, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a scary one!
There are so many great resources out there to help you prepare to go to the temple. I highly recommend watching this video a few times before your temple endowment appointment as it helped put my mind at ease when I was preparing for my temple appointment.
Talk to your endowed family members, attend a temple preparation class, and spend time reading, watching, and studying the church’s available resources on preparing to go through the temple.
Temple ordinances may feel a bit scary because they’re unknown to you—but that’s because they’re sacred, not because they’re secret. With some preparation, you can feel ready to go to the temple and be endowed with God’s power.
What was your temple endowment appointment like? I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below!
Please note: This article has not been reviewed or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it’s solely based on my own experience and intended to help others as they prepare to go through the temple.
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