Marilyn Monroe once said—well, technically, she once sang—that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. While I also enjoy some sparkle in my life, what do you do when your favorite pieces seem destined to be tarnished jewelry at the bottom of your jewelry box?
Lucky for you there’s an easy solution, and it comes in the form of the best natural jewelry cleaner for everything from engagement rings to costume jewelry! Not kidding, it works great on all jewelry types.
Don’t believe me? I took some before and afters on a few of my well-loved pieces to show you just how well this cleaner works!
Here’s what we’re covering in this post:
- What Makes Jewelry Tarnish
- The Science Behind Jewelry Cleaner
- The Best Jewelry Cleaner
- How to Clean Your Jewelry at Home
- How to Clean Engagement Rings & Precious Jewelry
- How to Clean Tarnished Jewelry
- How to Clean Costume Jewelry

My Engagement Ring
When my now-husband and I were looking for an engagement ring we decided to have a custom moissanite ring designed. I absolutely adore my ring!
I chose a starting layout I liked and then we added additional elements and tweaked it to make something so unique that was literally made for me.
Only one problem…after a few months of daily wear the continuum metal (it’s similar to sterling silver but with platinum added instead of the traditional alloys in .925 sterling) was starting to look discolored!
The silver prongs started looking more rose-gold toned, but in the worst, unevenly worn way.
I would use the popular red bottle of connoisseur’s jewelry cleaner to try and bring back the shine and color, but it only removed the built-up grime and my ring never looked the same as it did originally.
I thought restoring it wasn’t possible and I would be stuck with a discolored ring forever.
For months I’d been meaning to contact the jeweler who made my ring to ask what I could do about it, but it’s hard to get around to when I’m at work during the same hours that he’s available.
The Best Jewelry Cleaner
Fast forward to exactly 6 months after the proposal.
My husband and I went to a gift show at a nearby expo center to do some holiday shopping.
One of the booths was selling a natural jewelry cleaner and offering free ring cleaning for customers. Needless to say, I was curious but didn’t expect much.
But man, was I wrong. When my ring was cleaned using their jewelry cleaning solution, I was completely blown away!

My ring was so sparkly I couldn’t stop looking at it. I couldn’t believe how much tarnish and grime was left behind on the once-white cloth.
And—amazingly—the prongs and other tarnish on my ring were GONE! I was completely sold, and how could I not be?
I kept not-so-sneakily admiring my ring all night, it looked just as good as it did six months prior!
Now I know what you’re thinking. “I’ve tried all of the jewelry cleaner DIYs, the Pinterest hacks to clean tarnished jewelry, the homemade jewelry cleaning solution with Dawn dish soap, baking soda, and salt…you name it, I’ve tried it.”
That’s fair, I was skeptical too until the demo. That’s why I’ve decided to clean a few different jewelry pieces and show you just how magical this jewelry cleaner is!
So let’s get started! Here’s how to use the best jewelry cleaning solution, ring cleaner, and tarnish remover to bring back your jewelry’s shine and sparkle at home.
What Makes Jewelry Tarnish?
Before we get into the before and afters, let’s delve a little deeper into what causes jewelry to tarnish and discolor.
Almost all jewelry tarnishes at one point or another. It’s a natural process that can occur either slowly or quickly depending on external factors, but it’s almost guaranteed to happen.
Tarnish is caused by oxidation, a scientific process that occurs when atoms lose electrons. This oxidation happens when your jewelry comes in contact with things like body oil, sweat, lotion, deodorant, and pretty much any common beauty product.
These products contain some components of sulfur and oxygen which react with the metal in your jewelry and cause it to change color.

Even if you didn’t use any of these products and your body was somehow incapable of sweating or producing body oil, this process would still occur. Bummer, I know.
Sulfur and oxygen are not only present in common products, but they’re also in the air surrounding us and will cause your jewelry to tarnish over time.
So, long story short: tarnish is natural and, unfortunately, unavoidable.
The Science Behind Jewelry Cleaner
So how does jewelry cleaner remove tarnish and bring back the original shine and color?
Some tarnish remover methods work by scratching off the tarnished layer. This process serves as a quick fix for tarnished jewelry, but will slowly remove the outer metal layer and the detail of your piece will start to fade over time.
Silver polishing clothes are one of the most common jewelry cleaning solutions that scratch tarnish off. The fabric used has a very fine grit that, when rubbed on tarnish, will remove it—at a cost.
The cream metal polish found in my favorite jewelry cleaning kit is a no-grit formula that safely removes tarnish and restores your jewelry’s beautiful finish by reversing the chemical reaction that caused the tarnish. Plus, it’s an all-natural biodegradable formula that works for all metal types, even costume jewelry!
The Best Jewelry Cleaner
When I first saw the Something New jewelry cleaner I had no idea it would work as well as it did. I am so glad I was wrong!
The tarnish and grime that had slowly built up on my engagement ring were gone in less than a minute—you NEED to try this jewelry cleaner!
Fair warning, you will likely become hooked and want to clean your jewelry all the time…I clean my ring at least once a week.

Not only does the jewelry cleaning solution restore your fine jewelry, it also works literal magic on costume jewelry!
Take a look at this shocking before and after! The shine is unbelievable!

Before I used the Something New jewelry cleaner I’d never cleaned costume jewelry. Honestly, I didn’t know it was possible to make it look almost new again.
This set of earrings had been worn for years, it’s one of my favorite pairs. Just look at how great they look after just one cleaning with the brightener cleaning liquid!
Like these earrings? Here are some similar ones.
How to Clean Your Jewelry at Home
You can easily clean your jewelry at home in 6 simple steps with this DIY jewelry cleaner!
The jewelry cleaner comes with two products: a pink liquid cleaner/brightener and a cream polish/tarnish remover.
The graphic below breaks down the cleaning process visually so you can see exactly what each step looks like and how to bring back the shine and sparkle in your jewelry.

Like this ring? Here’s a similar one.
How to Clean Engagement Rings & Precious Jewelry
To clean engagement rings, wedding bands, gemstone jewelry, gold, or any other precious jewelry you simply follow these steps.
6-Step DIY Jewelry Cleaning Process:
What You’ll Need:
- Something New Jewelry Cleaner
- Soft Bristle Toothbrush
- Soft Rag (or Paper Towel)
How to Clean Your Jewelry at Home:
- We the toothbrush with the pink brightener jewelry cleaning solution
- Dip the toothbrush into the cream polish/tarnish remover
- Lightly scrub your jewelry with the toothbrush making sure to coat each area with the jewelry polish
- Use a soft rag to rub off the tarnish and built-up grime on your jewelry
- Dip your jewelry into the pink brightener jewelry cleaning solution
- Rinse your jewelry off
That’s it! 6 quick and easy steps to keep your engagement ring, wedding band, or any other precious jewelry looking brand new!
This jewelry cleaner really makes a huge difference—just look at the before and after for this blue topaz ring!

Like this ring? Here’s a similar one.
The sterling silver metal had become so darkened with tarnish and the gemstone looked dull and lifeless.
After using the brightener and tarnish remover duo the tarnish was removed and the ring was shiny again! The results were hard to photograph, but in-person the ring is so sparkly and bright!
Here’s a before and after using this jewelry cleaner on my engagement ring:

Like this ring? Here are a couple of similar ones: a vintage-style ring and a floral-style ring.
Now the results aren’t as drastic here as my ring had only gone 2 weeks between the last cleaning, but there’s still a noticeable difference between the pictures!
If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned your ring, try this jewelry cleaner. You will be blown away by the results!
How to Clean Tarnished Jewelry
By using the 6 steps outlined above, you can also restore your tarnished jewelry!
Here’s the before and after for a tarnished sterling silver cuff bracelet:

Look at how shiny the bracelet is in the after-shot compared to the before! Amazing.
The cleaner can’t remove scratches, but the dark tarnishing? The dirty fingerprinted metal? Gone.
How to Clean Costume Jewelry That Is Tarnished
Cleaning costume jewelry is even simpler. It only takes two or three steps, depending on the condition of your jewelry.
Instead of using the cream metal polish in the set, you only need the pink brightener/cleaning liquid.
Simply dip your jewelry into the brighter, rub off the dirt and discoloration on a soft rag, and rinse with water! If your accessories only need minimal cleaning you can just dip them in the cleaner and rinse. That’s it!

If you want to keep your jewelry looking its best—whether it’s your engagement ring, a nice bracelet, or even a pair of cheap earrings, you need this jewelry cleaner. It can clean it all, plus it’s an all-natural formula! You can’t beat that.
Order your jewelry cleaner today so you can bring your favorite jewelry back to life tomorrow!
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